Thursday, December 10, 2009

Which pig do you like best? The one with lipstick or the chauvinistic one?

I honestly usually really consider a question before I answer it ' and have never once gave a smart A* answer , but your is too good to pass up! I have met some Chauvinistic Pigs in my lifetime, %26amp; they are Pig's . I've Seen only 1 Pig wearing lipstick in my lifetime %26amp; that was Ms. Piggy %26amp; who doesn't love Ms. Piggy ! Which pig do you like best? The one with lipstick or the chauvinistic one?
you sound like a McCain/Palin supporter and I respect that, but would you please read these before making up your mind? Thanks…………

Compare the next two……

and finally…

and the list goes on %26amp; on

I realize that I have only provided anti McCain/Palin links here, but look at the whole site open mindedly (is that a word? lol) and decide thenWhich pig do you like best? The one with lipstick or the chauvinistic one?
If John McCain's a chauvinist, I adore chauvinists :).

Of course, if you are referring to Obama--I'll take the lipstick over that any day.
Obama's slur was against Sarah Palin and she has done nothing to derserve it from him, he is crude and has no class. It amazes me there is a single woman voting for him.
The one with the kankles and numerous polyester pant suits.
The one that has the lipstick on
I'll take the Lipstick lady anyday. We love her here in Alaska!
Ha ha! Obama sure needs to watch his step, he keeps stepping in pitbull doodoo
I like McCain far more than Palin, if that's what you're asking.
I don't like sarah palin or john mccain.
I don't like McCain nor Palin. Neither.
My favorite Pig is Bristol Palin !!! For a young teenage girl.. damn that girl has fabulous rack !!!! No wonder her boyfriend couldn't keep is Johnson in his pants.

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