Saturday, November 28, 2009

Had John McCain called Michelle a ';pig with lipstick'; ?

What do you thing the general response of the Democratic party would be?Had John McCain called Michelle a ';pig with lipstick'; ?
He would be called a racist sexist pig! And I am sure Michelle would try to sue him for defamation of character.Had John McCain called Michelle a ';pig with lipstick'; ?
You need to regenerate your hearing for nobody called anybody a pig with lipstick. That was a saying from years ago and it won't surprise me if John McCain wouldn't put somebody up to say such for the lies his party has pushed on the people anyway. Of course Palin is more convincing in having somebody to degrade Obama's wife to get her own thrills with McCain in having a laugh. Obama's wife would take it as a joke and laugh it off and go on in life. She wouldn't whine about it like Palin and McCain has. Don't get words that was used as slogans mixed up with an exsample used in making a point. Plus if you do look close at a pig and see their lips they do look like lipstick. Pigs use pigsticks on their lips to have a smoother licker on them. Professionally spoken.
Obama didn't call Palin a pig with lipstick, he called McCain's economic plan a pig with lipstick, which it is.

McCain DID call Hillary's health care plan a pig with lipstick, and the general response of the Democratic party was...nothing, because we have more sense than to get our panties in a wad over some colloquial saying. It's funny how the GOP yelled and screamed about Dems playing minority cards, but they just couldn't WAIT to start dropping the gender card!
I can't stand Obama, but I believe he wasn't talking about Palin, or trying to offend her in any way.

That said, if the tables were turned (Michelle Obama was the one who said the joke about pit bulls and hockey moms, McCain criticizing Obama's policies and using the phrase lipstick on a pig), we would never hear the end of it, McCain would be called sexist racist bigot etc.

Please, people, let's talk about the issues, we can go through this garbage after November 4th!!
I think he should leave out the lipstick and just call her a pig. Goes soemthing like this. Barack Obama is married to a nice woman. His economic plans are terrible, and if he thinks this Pig is going to get by the American people then he has no taste in economics. Then McCain can say he was talking about Economic conditions.
First of all Obama never called her a pig, even McCain said that. That is all. Stop believing everything you see or hear on TV. If you listened to the WHOLE speech, instead of that clip on Fake News you would have heard that he wasn't talk about Palin, but about the Bush Administration.
Still keeping the distractions going eh?

If McLiar called Michelle that, his campaign would be toast. It already is, but it would really be over now.

John McCain will tax your benefits. That's not change we can believe in.

John McCain is a Liar.
McCain, recanted that he claimed Obama said that in reference to Palin. He now says he knows Obama never intended that remark to be interpreted it that way...

So, the point is moot.
The dem's would go crazy and the media would have a field day with it, calling McCain a racist and all that, of course if it were the other way around we probably wouldn't hear about it.
Well considering Obama never called Palin that. It was a descriptive reference in a speech and he never directed it at her. I suppose that makes this question invalid.
I don't know.

Because Obama did not call Palin a pig with lipstick... he used the expression ';putting lipstick on a pig'; regarding one of McCains policies.
I can do one better:

Had John McCain dicussed the actual issues?

What do you thing the general response of the Republican party would be?
First, Obama didn't mention Palin in the comment.

Second, if McCain had said ';Michelle is a pig with lipstick,'; then we would be outraged.
Not much, we expect that kind of sleaze from you cons.

McCain said it about Hillary. Hell Limbaugh called a 17 year old Chelsea a female dog. Where was your outrage then?
We don't care. He called Hillary that same thing. McCain is an old man with a feeble mind. Nobody cares about his opinion except for his few brain dead followers who are scared change is coming
I am sure that even many Republicans would have chastised him for doing that.
had McCain done that there would be an uproar in the Dem party and they would try to see if he messes up enough so that they can tell all their little friends how bad a person he is

No but he looks like a york pig corpse.
McCain called Hillary a pig in lipstick. Like everything the Democrats would roll over and take it.
If he didn't say it, I'll bet my last dollar he was thinking it !!!

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