Saturday, November 28, 2009

If McCain thinks the ';lipstick on a pig'; comment is so wrong, why did he use it himself?

When speaking about Hillary Clinton? Is this part of his alleged ';honorable'; campaign, sticking only to the issues? :)鈥?/a>If McCain thinks the ';lipstick on a pig'; comment is so wrong, why did he use it himself?
It is a non-issue.

Even if Obama eluded to the comment being applied to Palin, who cares?

Are McCain and Palin so thin skinned that they cannot take any criticism?

Do they think Putin, Chavez, or Castro will play nice?If McCain thinks the ';lipstick on a pig'; comment is so wrong, why did he use it himself?
Obama used the phrase when not too long ago Palin made her ';lipstick on a pitbull'; comment. That's a poor decision and shows Obama's continued lack of judgment. Regardless of what he intended, it's close enough that an average people is easily going to wonder if it's directed at Palin.

Also, the response from the crowd clearly showed that they also interpreted it as a jab against Palin regardless of what Obama really intended.

I agree that it's not a big deal really, but it's simply more poor judgment on the part of Obama. Surely there's another phrase he could have used or else he could have prefaced it with something to make it clear what he meant and that it was a political phrase.

the whole ';lipstick on a pig'; comment is played out of context. Obama was not even referring to Palin. he was referring to Mccain's ';Mcsame'; economic policies. why certain news channels don't openly admit they only play that snippet instead of the whole thing is beyond me. Mccain prolly knows once the novelty wears off his campaign w/ Palin, that the emperor will have no clothes,and he's trying to milk it for all it's worth.
When it comes to assassinating your opponents character, even if it's a false attack, the Republican machine, esp. some of Karl Roves people, who are managing Sen. McCains campaign, have proven to be the best at such vicious spin. Just look at their record when managing Bush's campaign against Sen. McCain in 2000, then against Former Vice President Al Gore, %26amp; once again against Sen. John Kerry. The proof is in the pudding that they'll say anything, do anything, %26amp; be anything in order to win any campaign, no matter how dirty, how unethical, or how absurd %26amp; far fetched.

What amazes me is how Sen. McCain has flip flopped on ethics %26amp; allows his campaign Manager, Surrogates, %26amp; supporters to continue these despicable tactics, when he knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of them. For Shame Sen. McCain, for shame!
I'm a Republican.

I DO believe it was either intentional or stupid. Likely, the former since Obama is intelligent and he's not naive so how could he have made that comment without knowing it would get a reaction?

But with all the slurs being tossed around from both sides, this isn't really a big deal.

So, Caldude is correct: McCain/Palin should be able to deal with this minor potshot without a bunch of whining and stick to real issues. It looks weak to harp on this.
He's a politician. Politician's use rhetoric to get elected. Obama does it too.

I suggest you view the values of the parties and make your selection based on that and not on the rhetoric or great speeches.

Just as everyone is whining about 'picking' on Sarah Palin.

But, when Obama was the recipient of all the vile comments, it was a ok.
Because he is trying to play the sympathy card so people feel sorry for Sarah Palin. It's just a tactic to divert the negative attention Sarah Palin is getting.

It's pretty pathetic!
Mo lie oh, that is Korean for English speaking I dont know.

No clue here mate. Sounds like name calling to me, dirty name calling. I think its in poor taste.
McCan used a differant ';shade';
John McCain referred to a bill not a person.
Old Man McCain was for the comment before he was against it.
Obviously he has a bad case of short-term memory loss.
He forgot- he's old, you know.
You know..he's old.

Probably has memory loss.
Do as I say, not as I do
From context, John McCain wasn't calling Hillary a pig directly, but Obama definitely was. Obama is getting desparate. He's going into meltdown and entering panic mode. When black people enter panic mode, all bets are off.
McCain used it to describe Hilarys tax plan/

Obama used it to describe Palin.

Both are guilty of using this, but Obama's case is worse because Palin is the potiential VP.
He was referring to her policies.

Obama was clearly referring to Palin.
because billary actually does look like a pig, where sarah is hot

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