Monday, November 30, 2009

Is lipstick on a pig, or moose-shooter, transformational politics to obama supporters ?

chgIs lipstick on a pig, or moose-shooter, transformational politics to obama supporters ?
That's just typical Democrat for you.Is lipstick on a pig, or moose-shooter, transformational politics to obama supporters ?
One by product of the fall of the middle class is the creation of an underclass that has the permanent mentality of a bunch of 12 year olds. And a by product of THAT is people who are confused by figures of speech that have been around for 100 years or longer. They just don't GET things like ';lipstick on a pig'; or ';a spade for a spade';. It's post-literate America you're talking to here, and they will gobble your confusion with a spoon because they're in the same boat you are... bookless, no reference to history or past culture, no knowledge of the way language works, tone deaf.

In other words, the GOP base.
Obama's response to the ';nappy haired'; issue should be our response to him. That's a transformation.
I have no idea what you're talking about. Apparently you have a problem with folksy sayings?
They are ';important issues for The Dems,....LOL...!!

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